Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's a....

At our last doctors appt the doc asked if he wanted to know what the gender of our baby was.
Lets list the pro's and con's of each:
pro--they are sweet, seriously, Addi is tender and loving and all the things girls are, at least until they turn 12, then they change into what I teach and that is on the con list.
con--they are a little TOO tender. When I tell Addi not to do something, she usually sticks her lip out and cries.
pro--we have all sorts of adorable cloths from Addi.
con--there are so many more adorable things that I want to buy.
Lots more but lets get on with this:
pro--I have always wanted a boy. They are tough and cool and stuff.
con--I don't know how to raise boys! I am so intimidated by having to make them manly and athletic and all things boy. What if I raised a wimp, how would that go over in my family?
pro--I would get to buy all new baby boy stuff with alligators, and lions, and monkeys and stuff like that.
con--Ronny does not want to buy all new stuff, alligators or not.

In Addi's eyes it had to either be a girl or a puppy.
I try to make my daughter happy.
We are very excited. Ron wanted Addi to have a partner in crime and I am just excited to put more bows on the heads of our little baby. Everyone is thrilled.


Cheyenne said...

Hooray for girls!! Addi is so adorable I can't wait to see what your next cutie looks like! And I'm so glad to have little friends again!

McKelle said...

I guess we only make girls. I was secretly hoping it was a girl to continue on the tradition. So excited for you guys!!! Love you!

Janika said...

Love the girls! Congrats. I can't believe you found out already!! I don't get to know till the 1st of Feb!!! I am also glad that you do not have to give birth to a puppy. :)

Crystal said...

YAY!!! Sisters!! How fun. For the past 6 months, in my own stats keeping, there has been about 85% boys. (This stat came from keeping track of all mu family and friends who are having babies.) I'm a geek :-) I am so happy for you. Now just think, you dont have to buy any new bedding/furniture for the babies room. Yay for hand-me-downs. Congrats again.

Cynthia and Bryan said...

How Exciting ! Addi is going to love being a little helper, especially since she is going to have a baby sister. Congrats !

uvtcharl.blogspot.com said...

My women's intuition said girl all the way... I'm in tune with your uterus. Can't wait!

Kate said...

Congrats!!! Yeah!!! Another Partner in Crime for Addi!!

Jodi said...


Megann said...

Yeah! Girls are fun.

Jennica said...

Congratulations Mandy! 2 girls will be so much fun! So happy for your family!

BYUcougars2 said...

yeah! congrats!! how exciting!

Melissa said...

YAY! Addi is so cute. Can't wait to see girl #2. WHen are you due? How are you feeling?

Lauren Perry said...

If Addi is going to marry Cannon, then Baby girl #2 will have to marry Lincoln ;) CONGRATS!

byronandniki said...

Addi is so big! She is the cutest thing ever! Congrats on the new baby in the womb!